A-TS Self-locking door lock

A-TS Self-locking door lock

A-TS combines perfect locking technology with versatile opening variations. Once pulled closed, it is automatically locked in three places, by two hooks and the locking bolt. The key is only needed to close from the inside, so that children or pets do not go out wandering. The separation of the contact pressure and the locking is clever as the 3-latch technique generates a high contact pressure over the entire door height before being locked. This protects against door warping, draughts, moisture and heat loss and supports the locking mechanism, which makes it even more precise, secure and quieter.

The A-TS is the entrance ticket for comfortable access. With or without a motor, the highest security standards do not exclude maximum flexibility. There are no limits in height, variations or opening modes.

Triple locking

without a key

The door is pulled closed – 3 latches for perfect gasket compression

Three latches are triggered and ensure immediately permanent and evenly high gasket compression. The door closes absolutely tightly over the entire door height, leaving draughts and moisture outside and the warmth stays inside.

The closing mechanism is triggered

The main latch automatically triggers the locking mechanism as soon as the door enters the lock. In addition, a magnetic trigger monitors the correct closing – these are the two criteria for a secure locking. Two hooks and, this is unique, the locking latch also automatically trigger. The door is triple-locked, without a key.

Secure locking

Simply pull closed and it automatically locks – all without a key. Thus, no-one can get it, but everyone can get out. The door only has to be locked to prevent children or pets inadvertently going outside. A single key turn is enough.


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